german barbershop at its best!

They've got the swing, they feel the blues.
Heavy Medal Chorus sings barbershop style from madrigal to Stevie Wonder - from melancholy to rock.

All real, pure sound a cappella.

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The Sound Of Harmony

HEAVY MEDAL - Mixed Barbershop from Germany at its best

HEAVY MEDAL connects

They come from cities all over in Germany - from Hamburg to Munich, from Leipzig to Cologne. Three times a year they get together for rehearsal weekends in different places in the country to expand their repertoire. Since their founding in 2012, they have been united not only by their love of making music together, but also by the encounter among friends.


The initial idea behind HEAVY MEDAL is that the singers have won a medal with their individual quartet at one of the competitions of the German Barbershop Association BinG! That's why this choir is so “heavyweight”. Here's an overview of the current quartets.

Here's an overview of the current quartets.

Pure Joy In Singing Together At The Highest Level!


Haven’t Met You Yet – von Michael Bublé

World Peace Medley – mit Ambassadors of Harmony

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Our Quartets


Stop! Pause, get out and enjoy.

The four voices of the Barberpapas blend in barbershop arrangements of the most diverse genres to create a unique and unmistakable sound experience. Here you will find boiling hot love songs, schmaltzy romances, groovy grooves, exciting stories, whistling overtones and popping tags! The next concert of the Barberpapas will be just like always: glorious whimsy in musically formidable garb!


The male quartet from Dresden and Berlin, consists of Karl (tenor), Robert (lead), Kevin (baritone) and Markus (bass). Barbershop is their passion. They love to sing unnecessarily high, loud and/or long tags. Especially for long tags Robert has to do, because he can hold notes especially well and loud. The quartet was already founded in 2015, since January 2018 they sing together in this constellation and could so far sing the third place in the Coesfeld Cup and equal placement in the international Spanish championship. However, the most important thing for them is to have fun and just live good music.


Stellen Sie Escapade wie einen richtig guten Tequila vor: kräftig, überraschend und mit einem Finish, das in Erinnerung bleibt. Das Quartett besteht aus zwei Damen aus Bayern und zwei Herren aus Sachsen sowie einer gehörigen Portion Leidenschaft für Barberhop-Musik.

As with any good tequila, each ingredient has its role:

Kevin Köhl ist der Bass – stark, erdig, der die solide Basis bildet.
Silvia Reisinger als Bariton bringt den Twist hinein, die feine Nuance, die den Geschmack abrundet.
Verena Stich liefert im Tenor den frischen, spritzigen Zitruskick.
Und Karl Kromer sorgt als Lead für den entscheidenden Schluck Power, der alles zusammenführt.

The result is Escapade - a musical tequila shot that you won't forget in a hurry. And their recipe works, as they won the bronze medal at the last German Barbershop Championship in Dortmund in April 2024.

Experience barbershop with the full tequila effect: first soft and smooth, then sparkling - and finally a finale that pops!



In a place near the Loreley, the name of which I can only dimly recall, four jugglers met not long ago, those of those with a pitch in their pocket, a love of singing, a shared love of barbershop, and always a pint within reach to perform.
A bowl of soup with a little more mince than leek in it, most evenings spent in convivial company with friends, thoroughly invigorating, appealing musical works, and a certain penchant for chaos made each rehearsal weekend perfect.


Three ladies and a Brit: They sing the sound kisses with immense fun and almost frightening stamina - and cope with lots of love things and other problems of everyday life. Occasionally the flexible bass even clears his place for his identical twin sister.

La Boom

A cappella with sound and boom!

When we make an appearance, it's with a big boom - in the musical sense, of course. Even though we have only recently come together in this line-up, each of us already has many years of experience in barbershop a cappella singing as a quartet and chorus singer.

With 330 meters per second we also sing for you!


Obsession, ovation, orchestra, optimal, oppulent, on-the-rocks, Oscar-worthy, open-air, overtones or Oberwesel .... these are all wonderful terms with *O* , which the mixed quartet from NRW connects with music and barbershop singing. So no other name than 'O-Ton' came into question.

Original, right?


Das Männerquartett aus Kiel singt mittlerweile seit fast 40 Jahren zusammen.
TAKE FOUR war fünffacher Deutscher Barbershop-Champion und hat Deutschland im internationalen Barbershop Wettbewerb 1995 und 2016 in den USA vertreten. Das abendfüllende Programm enthält neben Close Harmony-Kompositionen aus dem Barbershop- und Jazzbereich auch Popstandarts sowie Stücke der Comedian Harmonists. Wer TAKE FOUR hört, der „kriegt was auf die Ohren“…ganz harmonisch, mit stimmlicher Eleganz und moderiertem Witz.


Excapade und Heavy Medal Chorus

Escapade Quartet meets Heavy Medal Chorus

An extraordinary a cappella evening

Escapade, the bronze medal-winning quartet from the last German Barbershop Singing Championships, will be joined by the Heavy Medal Chorus. Enjoy the diversity of barbershop music on one stage: a unique experience with two outstanding ensembles.

Advance booking - normal price: € 20.00/reduced € 17.00

Kartenbestellung: online über Münchenticket

28.06.2025, 20:00 Uhr

Bürgerhaus Eching, Roßbergerstraße 6, 85386 Eching


heavy medal chorus

german barbershop at its best!

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